32nd International Congress of IAP in the Dead Sea in Jordan

Localização: Dead Sea in Jordan
Endereço: Dead Sea in Jordan
Data: 18/10/18 - 15/10/18
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Dear Friends and Colleagues

It gives us great pleasure inviting you to the upcoming 32nd International Congress of IAP in the Dead Sea in Jordan on October 15-18, 2018. For this purpose, an outstanding rich scientific program has been organised that covers numerous timely topics and updates in practically all Pathology specialties. Several keynote lectures, comprehensive symposia, instructive courses, and practical slide sessions and workshops will be offered by more than 300 international speakers who are leaders in their respective fields.

Please visit the website of the Congress at www.iap-conference.org and learn about its scheduled activities. The pathologists-in-training are strongly encouraged to attend this highly educational event and take advantage of at least 100 travel bursaries that are sponsored by the Congress for their sake. Each bursary amounts to $1500.

In addition, the congress offers a wonderful social program that includes an opportunity to explore ancient civilizations in Petra & Jerash, visit biblical shrines and sites, experience the healing power of the Dead Sea, and enjoy Arab hospitality and food. Mark your calendar and we are looking forward to seeing you next October.

Ghazi Zaatari, MD
Vice President for Asia
Secretary, Arab Division
International Academy of Pathology

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